Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Moral Of Wife Of Bath - 990 Words
Dominant and submissive roles have existed in relationships between men and women since the dawn of time. Since then, Women have overturned public oppressions, e.g. working outside the house, voting, and having equal rights to men, but have yet to establish a non-submissive relationship with their male partners. The moral of Wife of Bath is the desire women have to have power over their husband and how this dominance is beneficial for them and through the course of the tale, the speaker makes an effort to express her views of control in a happy marriage. The moral of Wife of Bath is that happiness in a relationship is when a woman is able to have control over her husband against a backdrop of the submissive wives of the Middle Ages. The prologue portrays a jovial woman who introduces herself and her beliefs on marriage. She has never been fond of authority and attributes her expertise in relationships to marriages with five different men. The Wife of Bath’s tale depicts a knig ht who needs to learn women’s greatest desire within a year in order to avoid beheading. The knight learns that â€Å"women desire to have the sovereignty and sit in rule and government above their husbands, and to have their way in love†(Lines 156-8). In the end, the sovereignty the knight gives to his old wife transforms her into a young woman and, â€Å"they lived in full joy to the end†(Line 325). The tale is not only a reflection of one’s interest to dominate a relationship, but also a needShow MoreRelatedThe Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Essay1115 Words  | 5 Pagesbackground and life. Some pilgrims matched their stereotype of that time but most do not. The Prioress, Madame Eglentyne, and Wife of Bath, Allison, are two characters that do not fit their stereotype of the Middle Ages. Geoffrey Chaucer demonstrates a reflection of change in The Canterbury Tales by comparing their appearances, actions, and morals. 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